• What’s the difference between a VA and OBM?

    What's the difference between a VA and an OBM? Blog header image

    As a business owner, you may not be familiar with the difference between a VA and an OBM. It’s likely you already have a Virtual Assistant that’s an integral part of the day-to-day running of your business, but is it time to take things further and move towards having an Online Business Manager? In this […]


  • Getting started on LinkedIn as a small business owner

    Getting started on LinkedIn as a small business owner

    Getting started on LinkedIn as a small business owner can feel a little daunting. After all, it’s not got that cuddly vibe of Instagram or the opinionated, soap-box feel of Twitter. Is it worth investing your time in yet another social media channel?  Well, first and foremost LinkedIn isn’t a social media channel – it’s […]


  • How to engage with others on Instagram 

    How to engage with others on Instagram

    As a small business owner, you know you should engage with others on Instagram, but how do you do it in an authentic way that actually provides results for your business? Maybe you already spend lots of time on social media but aren’t getting much back from it? It can feel incredibly frustrating and you’re no doubt wondering if it’s worth all the time you’re investing. 


  • Timesaving Christmas Shopping Part 2

    Time to make you sparkle! Hello and welcome to the second blog this Christmas designed to help you save time when Christmas Shopping, and champion and support some of my favourite local, small businesses. If you missed the first part you can catch up here. It is true what they say when you buy from […]


  • Timesaving Christmas Shopping Part 1

    My Favourite Gift Emporiums Hello and welcome to the first of a series of blogs this Christmas designed to help you save time when Christmas Shopping, and champion and support some of my favourite local, small businesses. It is true what they say when you buy from a small business someone does a happy dance. […]