How we can help you

Mentoring & Accountabilty

Feeling Overwhelmed or Unsure Where to Begin?

As you compassionate business mentor I can help you prioritize your next moves, make an intuitive plan of attack, and most importantly, ensure you have the support to bring your plans to fruition. You should not have to figure everything out by yourself.

I will be right there by your side every step of the way, providing gentle guidance when you get stuck, boosting your confidence when self-doubt creeps in, and helping you implement systems that give you a heightened sense of control amidst the busyness of entrepreneurship. You’ve got this!

As your mentor, my mission is to provide the clarity and steps you need to turn your dreams into reality.

Together we will
How you will feel
Jennifer Cooper Timesaver Mentoring

Your Mentor

jennifer cooper timesaver

I have over 20 years of business and retail experience, combining compassionate mentoring, custom solutions and commercial know how to help you grow a profitable feel good business.

I excel at gently helping you move past the blocks that are holding you back in your business, and working out where to focus your time and energy for maximum impact.

Most importantly you come first – we factor in everything going on in your life, and make flexible plans accordingly. I will make sure you celebrate the wins, and recognise how far you have come as well as helping you push on to the next level.

Ways I can Support you

1 to 1 Mentoring Support

strategy session
£ 165
  • 1 x 90 minute session
  • Write up of session with strategy, goals and action points
  • 1 week of follow up support on email and Telegram
strategy morning
£ 285
  • 1 x 3 hour session
  • Write up of session with strategy, goals and action points
  • 1 week of follow up support on email and Telegram
strategy day
£ 425
  • 1 x 5 hour session plus lunch
  • Write up of session with strategy, goals and action points
  • 1 week of follow up support after each session on email and Telegram

How it works

A questionnaire will be sent to you to complete ahead of our meeting to identify your goals and the challenges you may face. This helps me get to know you, so that we can get right down to the details once we start working together.

I research your business ahead of the meeting to make sure we get the best out of our time together.

We meet online or in person to discuss your goals, challenges you are facing, and brainstorm plans going forward.

After the meeting, I email you a written summary of our mentoring session with agreed action points..

Follow up support on email and Telegram. I can help you stay on track, answer any queries and celebrate your progress.

Ongoing Mentoring Support

Jennifer Cooper Timesaver Accountability Support

The Feel Good Foundry



Kind Words